On January 3, 2024, Aamir Khan and Reena Dutta’s daughter, Ira Khan, tied the knot with fitness trainer Nupur Shikhare in Mumbai. This wedding was a bit unconventional, quite different from the regular Bollywood celebrity weddings. It was a very simple affair, receiving praise from Aamir and his family. However, some people had complaints about Nupur’s attire, but what can be done? Trolls will say something; that’s their job. Anyway, let’s show you 10 beautiful pictures from this wedding.
Nupur is a renowned fitness coach. In 2019, she was training Aamir Khan for his film ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ and that’s when she met Ira. They have been in a relationship since then. Apart from this, she has trained celebrities like Pulkit Samrat, Rana Daggubati, and Sushmita Sen. To register their marriage, Nupur ran eight kilometers and arrived in a T-shirt and shorts. After reaching the venue, they danced with friends in the same attire.
Ira and Nupur have had a registered marriage, which took place at the Taj Lands End Hotel. This hotel is quite close to Shahrukh Khan’s home. The wedding saw the presence of family and close friends.
After the wedding, Ira and Nupur appeared before the media and posed for photographs. Present there were Aamir’s elder son Junaid, younger son Azad, former wife Reena Dutta, Kiran Rao, and Nupur’s mother Preeti Shikhare. Preeti is a classical dance teacher who used to train Sushmita’s daughters in Kathak.
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