The Union Ministry of Home Affairs has labeled Satvinder Singh also known as Goldie Brar, a Canada-based individual, as a terrorist under the Anti-terror and Lawful Activities Prevention Act. Barar is linked to the tragic killing of singer Shubhdeep Singh, also known as Sidhu Moosewala in Punjab’s Mansa district in May 2022. According to the MHA notification, the 29-year-old Perar, residing in Brampton, Canada, originally hails from Shri Mukhtar Sahab City in Punjab, and is associated with Babbar Khalsa International, a designated terrorist organization.
Brare’s Terrorism Accusations
The notification details Brare’s alleged involvement in multiple killings, his adherence to radical ideology, and various activities such as making threatening calls to pro-nationalist leaders, demanding ransom, and showcasing the killings on different social media platforms. Moreover, it cites his role in smuggling high-grade arms, ammunition, and explosives using drones across the border to facilitate these acts, including the arrangement of sharpshooters.
Interpol’s Red Notice: Terror Alerts
In 2022, the Interpol issued a Red Co on a notice against Barar, a non-bailable warrant and a lookout, circular, is pending against him at the moment. And Barar is the 56th person now to be designated individual terrorist. In 2023, seven individuals were designated as terrorists by the MHA, and four organizations were declared unlawful association and two outfits as terrorist organization.
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