The West Bengal Police has lodged a case against National Investigation Agency (NIA) officials, accusing them of molestation and house trespassing during a recent raid linked to the 2002 bomb blast case in East Medinipur district. The FIR comes in the wake of a confrontation between NIA personnel and locals during the operation, triggering a political feud between the ruling Trinamool Congress and the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the state.
The FIR was registered on Sunday following an incident where a team of NIA officials faced resistance from a mob during their raid in East Medinipur. The BJP has alleged that the attack on NIA officials was orchestrated by Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.
According to the FIR filed by the East Medinipur police, a woman has accused NIA and CRPF officials of assaulting her and her husband and outraging her modesty during the raid. The FIR invokes several sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), including 325, 34, 354, 354(b), 427, 448, and 509.
West Bengal | East Midnapore Police registered an FIR against the NIA team and CRPF officials on the complaint of a woman, who alleged that she and her husband were assaulted by said officers and also alleged that the officers personally outraged her female modesty. Case…
— ANI (@ANI) April 7, 2024
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The altercation occurred when the NIA team was reportedly met with hostility while attempting to arrest TMC leaders Manobrata Jana and Bailicharan Maity in connection with the 2022 Bhupatinagar blast, which claimed three lives.
Moni Jana, wife of Manobrata Jana, filed a complaint alleging that NIA officers forcibly entered their home and attempted to outrage her modesty under the pretext of conducting an investigation. The officers also allegedly vandalized their residence during the raid.
The police are yet to make any arrests in connection with the incident. The matter remains under investigation.
In response to allegations raised by TMC leaders, the NIA issued a statement asserting the legality and necessity of their actions in the ongoing probe into the fabrication of crude bombs, which resulted in the fatal explosion.
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