France has replied to India’s request for 26 Rafael-Marine jets in New Delhi. Reports suggest that France has submitted its response to India’s acceptance letter. Indian officials are set to examine the proposal, focusing on aspects like the aircraft’s pricing, following directives from the Navy Chief to expedite the project.
Around a month ago, India sent a letter of request to the French government, akin to a tender document, outlining specific requirements and desired capabilities for the jets. These jets, possibly destined for India’s aircraft carriers INS Vikrant and INS Vikramaditya comprise a procurement plan of 22 single-seater Rafael-Marine aircraft and four trainer planes.
The deal, estimated at approximately six million dollars, received clearance from the Defense Acquisition Council just before Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to France, where he was the honored guest at France’s Basel Desk parade in July.
The Rafales French twin-engine multi-role fighter aircraft manufactured by SAW Aviation, represent India’s first major fighter plane acquisition in 23 years, succeeding the Sukhoi jets imported from Russia.
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