During the ongoing monsoon session of Parliament, a heated exchange took place between Vice-President and Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar and Samajwadi Party (SP) MP Jaya Bachchan, leading to protests and an Opposition walkout. The incident began when Dhankhar called upon Jaya Bachchan to speak, to which she responded by questioning his tone. “I am an artist, I understand body language and expressions. Pardon me, but your tone…” she began, expressing her displeasure.
In response, a visibly upset Dhankhar reminded her of the decorum of the House, saying, “You may be a celebrity, but you have to understand the decorum. Do you think you’re the only one who brings reputation to the House?” Despite this, Jaya Bachchan stood her ground and demanded an apology from the Chair.
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As tensions rose, the Opposition, led by Congress leader Sonia Gandhi, walked out of the House in protest. Speaking to the media afterward, Bachchan voiced her frustration, stating, “We are not schoolchildren. I raised concerns about the Chair’s tone. Some of us are senior citizens. The way people are speaking in Parliament these days is unprecedented I want an apology.”
Meanwhile, BJP IT Cell chief Amit Malviya demanded on social media that Bachchan apologize to the Chair, stating, ‘A Member of Parliament and the Vice President of India are not colleagues. The Chairperson is responsible for running the House, and MPs must adhere to the Chair’s directives.”
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