Kota Factory Season 3 is an upcoming drama series whose 2 seasons have already been released and both the seasons have been superhit. Its producers are Saurabh Khanna, Arunabh Kumar, and director Pratish Mehta. Whose age limit is 13+ The showrunner is Raghav Subbu. Season 3 is written by Punit Batra, Praveen Yadav, Nikita Lalwani, and Manish Chandwani. Its producer is The Viral Fever.
Star Cast: Jitendra Kumar in the lead role Supporting Cast: Mayur More, Ranjan Raj, Alam Khan, Ahsaas Channa, Revathi Pillai, and Urvi Singh are a brilliant cast.
Kota Factory Season 3 will release on Netflix on 20 June 2024 which you can watch online.
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