Best Actress National Award winner Manasi Parekh shared her joy exclusively. She revealed that her film Kutch Express, which she produced with her husband Parthiv Gohil, won three awards, leaving her in tears of happiness. Manasi won the Best Actress National Award for her role in the Gujarati film Kutch Express at the 70th National Film Awards, announced on August 16. She shares the award with Tamil actress Nithya Menen. The awards will be presented in October by President Draupadi Murmu.
Manasi, who has appeared in TV shows like Sumit Sambhal Lega, was filming her next project when she received the news. Overwhelmed with emotion, she said, “I haven’t stopped crying since I got the news. This feeling is incomparable, much like when I gave birth to my daughter, Nirvi. I’ve been crying for two hours.”
When we spoke to her, she was still on set, and the congratulatory calls hadn’t stopped. She expressed her excitement about the win and her gratitude that regional films are finally getting the recognition they deserve.
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Manasi revealed, “I was in the middle of filming my new movie when I received the news. The best part is that Kutch Express has won three awards: Best Film, National Award for a film promoting a national cause, Best Actress for me, and Best Stylist for Nicky Joshi. As a producer of this film, this is incredibly rewarding.”
She also emphasized the significance of the win for her production house. “Our goal in making Gujarati films was to take them to an international level, and this National Award definitely puts that out there for the world to see.”
Reflecting on her journey from TV shows to this big win, Manasi said, “For any actor or creative person, it’s always about the work. As I’m talking to you, I’m getting ready for my next shot. One hopes that one’s work is appreciated, and this National Award is just great validation.
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