Presumed Innocent is an upcoming American crime, drama, mystery, film that will premiere on Apple TV+ on June 12, 2024. David E. Kelley, Shar White, Mickey Johnson Written by Anne Sevitzky, Greg Yaitanes directed the film. The star cast includes Jake Gyllenhaal, who plays Rusty Sabich in the movie. Ruth Negga plays Barbara Sabich. Other cast members include Bill Camp, Elizabeth Marvel, Peter Sarsgaard, O-T Fagbenle, and Renate Rensway.
Presumed Innocent Cast
- Jake Gyllenhaal as Rusty Sabich
- Ruth Negga as Barbara Sabich
- Bill Camp as Raymond Horgan
- Elizabeth Marvel as Lorraine Robbins
- Peter Sarsgaard as Tommy Molto
- O-T Fagbenle as Nico Della Guardia
- Renate Reinsve as Carolyn Polhemus
- Nana Mensah as Jamie Kemp
- Chase Infiniti as Nat Sabich
- Lily Rabe as Anna Vrawley
- Matthew Alan as Detective Lipranzer (IMDb).
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