Pune Girl Taking Selfie: A 29-year-old woman from Pune, identified as Nasreen Amir Qureshi, was rescued after falling into a 60-foot gorge in Maharashtra’s Satara district over the weekend. Qureshi, a resident of Pune’s Warje area, slipped into the gorge while trying to take a selfie.
The rescue took place on Saturday during heavy monsoon rains, according to a report by News18. A dramatic video showing the Pune girl being pulled out of the gorge has gone viral on social media, with many praising the quick response of local police and home guards who played a crucial role in saving her life.
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After being rescued, Qureshi was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment of the injuries she sustained in the fall. She was visiting Satara’s Borne Ghat area when the incident occurred. Locals were the first to alert authorities, and with the help of ropes, the home guards and local residents managed to pull her out of the steep gorge despite the relentless rain. Some reports indicate that Qureshi has since been moved to a private hospital, where her condition remains critical.
Pune girl taking selfie falls into 60-foot gorge at Borane Ghat, rescued
Nasreen Qureshi was rescued with the help of the Home Guard and local residents. It occurred amidst heavy rain in the area.
Administration had banned tourist visits in that area.pic.twitter.com/Pve4Bvrrg5
— Pune City Life (@PuneCityLife) August 4, 2024
In response to the incident, the Satara district administration has temporarily banned visitors from all tourist spots in the area until Sunday.
This incident comes just weeks after a travel influencer named Aanvi Kamdar tragically fell into a 300-foot gorge in Raigad last month. Kamdar, a Mumbai-based lifestyle influencer, was recording a video near Mangaon’s Kumbhe waterfall on July 16 when she fell. Despite a massive rescue operation by the police and her friends, they were unable to save her. Her body was found later, and it took six hours for rescuers to retrieve it from the gorge.
Pune Girl Taking Selfie
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