Megastar and global star Chiranjeevi’s son Ram Charan is celebrating his birthday today. Ram Charan and Upasana visited Tirumala Srivari on the occasion of their daughter Kleenkara’s birthday.
He along with his family reached Renigunta Airport in a special flight from Hyderabad yesterday evening and left for Tirumala.
On the occasion of Ram Charan’s birthday today, he went to Srivara and offered pooja. Today morning, Ram Charan’s couple participated in Suprabhata Seva. The couple was invited by the temple authorities and after having darshan of the lord, the scholars gave Vedic blessings.
Ram Charan couple who went to Tirumala yesterday evening stayed at Phoenix Venkateswara Nilayam in Padmavati Nagar. Ramcharan and Chiranjeevi’s visit to Tirumala was heavily publicized in the media for the last two days, and fans flocked to see Ramcharan.
Fans gathered at the guest house and the shrine upon seeing Ram Charan when he arrived in Tirumala. Happy birthday, Ram Charan was wished by his followers. After winning the Oscar, Ram Charan made his first visit to Tirumala. In addition, once the baby was born, Ram Charan and Upasana visited for the first time.
Under Shankar’s guidance, Ram Charan has now produced a game-changing film following the worldwide success of RRR’s film. The release of this film is imminent. The admirers were thrilled to see the newborn when the Ram Charan Upasana couple and their child visited Tirumala. Ram Charan, however, took care of Upasana’s spouse so that the infant remained hidden when he and Kleemkara visited Tirumala Srivara. Klinkara was brought into hiding.
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