Shah Rukh Khan, in a recent revelation, shared that he had signed the political thriller Nayak for a nominal fee of just one rupee. The film, which was a remake of director Shankar’s Tamil movie Mudhalvan, encountered some issues during its production. Shah Rukh Khan was initially set to star in the film and even offered his bulk dates for the project. However, he was later replaced by Anil Kapoor for reasons not disclosed in the snippets from the search results.
Anil Kapoor’s role in Nayak
In the movie Nayak: The Real Hero, Anil Kapoor played the role of Shivaji Rao Gaekwad, a television cameraman who later became a television presenter. The story revolves around Shivaji Rao who, after an encounter with the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Balraj Chauhan (played by the late Amrish Puri), is challenged to take over his job for one day. This challenge led to Shivaji Rao becoming a one-day Chief Minister, which resulted in political intrigue and his successful governance during that day.
The film is a remake of Shankar’s 1999 Tamil-language film Mudhalvan and also stars Rani Mukerji, Paresh Rawal, and Johnny Lever in supporting roles. It is noted for its portrayal of a common man’s rise to a position of power and the challenges he faces in the political arena.
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