Raghuveer Dhakad, owner of a private school in Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh, receives a WhatsApp message on his mobile. Raghuveer loses his senses after reading that message. A picture also came with the message. That picture was of Raghuveer’s 20 year old daughter Kavya Dhakad.
Sensational conspiracy to kidnap a student from Kota: Every day we tell and show you statistics related to kidnapping or ransom. Many information surprises you and some disillusiones you. But the news about which we are going to tell you today, in reality you would have neither heard nor seen such figures before.
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This story is related to two big cities of two states. The surprising thing is that the police has not yet solved the end of this story but the mystery has not been solved yet. This story starts from Shivpuri district of Madhya Pradesh.
March 18, 2024, around 3 pm
Kavya Dhakad was preparing for NEET in a coaching institute in Kota, away from Shivpuri, for the last six months. Kavya wanted to become a doctor. Now after reading this message, Kavya’s father lost his senses. He immediately called his daughter’s mobile. but his phone was switched off
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