Dolly Chaiwala, the famous chaiwala in Nagpur, Maharashtra, has recently bought a new car. Dolly Chawla has posed for a picture with her car
Due to which people made it viral. His unique way of making and selling tea is quite popular on the internet.
Dolly Chawla has been showing her unique style in selling tea for the last 15 to 20 years. Their topiary is always full of tea lovers
And he serves tea in his signature yellow shades. He is also called 'Jack Sparrow of India' on social media for his style and antics.
Bill Gates also had a "chai pe charcha" with him and shared the video on his Instagram profile.
In this video Bill Gates enjoys special tea made by Dolly Chawla. Dolly Chaiwala, now "World Famous Chawla"
Is famous by the name of, who has won the hearts of vloggers and people with his unique style of selling tea.