Wild Wild Punjab is a comedy romance film released on Netflix on 11 July 2024, written by Sandeep Jain, Luv Ranjan, and Harman Wadala and directed by Simarpreet Singh. The film is produced by Ankur Garg, Luv Ranjan, and Production Luv Films. The film stars Sunny Singh, Ishita Raj, Manjot Singh, Varun Sharma, Jassie Gill and Patralekha Paul in lead roles
Khanane has gone through a breakup. He is upset, but friends like Arora, Jainu, and Honey Paaji encourage him to face the breakup and move on. Khanane (Varun Sharma) has just been dumped and is heartbroken. His friends (Sunny Singh, Jassi Gill, and Manjot Singh) take him on a wild ride across Punjab so he can find the resolution he seeks and move on. Radha (Patralekhaa) and Meera (Ishita Raj) join the boys on this adventure.
Wild Wild Punjab Cast
- Patralekhaa Paul
- Sunny Singh
- Varun Sharma
- Jassie Gill
- Ishita Raj
- Manjot Singh
- Arun Malik as Drunk Father
- Raj Hundal
- Arvind Kumar as Truck driver
External Link
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